Thursday, February 24, 2011

The 90s dream

So since I have been away I have tapped into NPR so much more than I ever did when in the USA. I listen to the shuffle each day of All things Considered, weekly catch up on This American Life,  so I can feel closer to home. I think my favorite show is All Songs Considered hosted by Bob Boilen who I absolutely adore!
This past week the show's title was So the 90's are back, or whatever... they did a review of the 90s going over the best albums and most influential. I listened to it last night while marking papers and walking to a facial. I had a massive grin on while walking down the street thinking of all these songs I have not heard for ages and reminded me of growing up and being in High School and College.
I know that this month we are going over love and relationships and this might be a little far fetched, but music really does take me back to different times and periods of my life reminding me of people that I love in a different time frame of my life. I will not go through all the songs and memories but those that stick out in my mind.
The first song they start with is Nirvana Smells Like Teen spirit. I remember when this came out in the 5th grade. I bought the tape for my first boyfriend Jeff's birthday. I had no clue what to get him and my brother suggested (the wise 7th grader he was) that I should get that tape and I have been taking his advice on music and boys since. There are so many other memories about that song and that area and what it did for music and the indie scene.
They then go onto Radiohead's No Surprises on the OK Computer album. Though I still really enjoy Radiohead and Tom York; though that was the song I listened to after my first kiss. I went home, straight into my bedroom but on the album and sat in my papazan chair contemplating what just happened.
Other songs included in the mix were Lauren Hills That thing which I listened to while driving around trying to decide on which university I wanted to go to. When LEM's If you steal my sunshine came on I almost fell off the sidewalk, followed by Sound garden, reminding me of Chris Cornell's amazing eyes in the Blackhole Sun video and summer school for theatre.
Another favorite was Smashing Pumpkins 1979, which screams church camps and retreats to me for some reason. I remember going up to Pine Top to .... Pine Summit, year after year with flannel and trying to play the guitar.

Music and lyrics contain so many memories for me it was fun to be taken back to the 90s for an afternoon walking around in Shanghai thinking about the people that were dear to me over a decade ago.  I am luckily enough to have most of those people still in my life and still dear.

If you like music I really can not recommend All Songs Considered enough.


1 comment:

  1. That's what I love about music! It brings you back to a place in your life that was memorable! Dust in the Wind brings me back to my parents kitchen. My brother controlling the CD player, singing to my sisters and I while playing the air violin! Makes me smile thinking about it. Although I'm not a big fan, all Aerosmith songs remind me of one of the best guys I know, Andrew Z! And then there are those songs that make me think about the lost loves in my life... Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitte gets me every time. I don't know why I allow myself to listen to it! ha Sometimes I need to feel a little sad though! =)
    Great post Manda!!
