Monday, February 21, 2011

My Momma

My post will be quick today, as I'm not feeling well and am home from work.  As my head pounds and as my throat throbs, I can't help but wish my mom was here to take care of me, just like she did when I was a kid.  My mom was always prepared to take care of my siblings and I when we weren't feeling well.  As I laid on the couch with 6 or 7 blankets piled on top of me, mom made sure I had everything I needed:
  • Puke bucket
  • Warm wash cloth for my forehead
  • Soda crackers
  • 7-Up
  • Baby Tylenol (I couldn't swallow pills for the life of me)
  • And a warm hug
As my head pounds and as my throat throbs today, I wish I was a kid again and that my mom was coming around the corner with a warm wash cloth for my forehead.  Instead, I am lying here with my computer on my lap, dirty tissue paper crumpled next to me, and tea with honey in what should be, my coffee cup.  Today is not one of those days, but there have been times when I feel so sorry for myself that I actually tear up wishing mom was taking care of me.

Finally to my point, a mother's love for their child is probably the strongest love imaginable.  My mom cleaned up spilt milk at least 200 times, listened to us complain about tomatoes in the hot dish, broke up numerous fights between my siblings and I, and even cleaned up our throw up!  Despite all that, she still loved and cared for us when we were sick!  

Thank you mom for everything you did for me as a kid.  Especially when I was sick!  I realize now how thoughtful and selfless your actions really were.  I love you!

Now, can you come over and make me feel better?   -Mandy

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. Sorry you are not well friend! Hope you are doing better now. I feel the same way when I am sick, wishing she would be able to make me soup, get me water and just check in on me.
    Moms are fab and wonderful people.
