Thursday, February 17, 2011

Speed Dating

This Valentine’s Day was the first time in a while that I had a date, and I actually had 14 dates! The Shanghai Sharks (the women’s rugby team in Shanghai that I am involved with, more social right now) had an event: Speed Dating at our Sponsor bar.  I arrived and was immediately sent out to recruit more men for the evening. We hit a few other bars in the area and were able to recruit 5 guys.
I participated in the second round. Each date was 4 minutes. The first guy was one of my recruits, he was French (there were a lot of French men there that night for some reason).  We talked for a while and he was a student at the end of the date he asked my age. I said 29. His response was a dropped jaw and a hand-over-mouth-laugh. I was amazed, then found out he was 21. Haha!!! The next 6 people I knew from rugby or I had brought along. We all had a good laugh, talked about dates, pretended we did not know each other and said silly things that made the people on either side look at us strangely. Towards the end I was getting rather tired (the previous day I got back from Australia and it was my first day back at work). 
The last date was another French guy that worked on a boat. After only exchanging a few sentences he asked me if I was strict.  That is first time that I ever have been asked that.  When I tell people I am a strict teacher they rarely believe me and when I say that students have a healthy fear of me, they laugh. Here is a guy that I met for only 2 minutes after I had been talking for over an hour tell me that I am strict.  He then went on to ask my age. Another dropped jaw.  He did not say he was 21 but asked “But why are you single?”.  Now when people say this to me I am not sure if it is a compliment… or just rude. So my response was “I am not sure but you could ask the guy that dumped me last month.”  I thought it was funny, but he just gave a blank French stare.  Thankfully the whistle blew. 
It definitely was a memorable Valentine’s day and the most dates I have had for ages.  Match or no match, I spent the night giggling with dear friends that I love.  


  1. Love this post Manda! Speed Dating is definitely an interesting affair. I've done it just once. I met a few really nice guys, but also met a few interesting lads! ha Glad you had fun and I'm glad I'm not the only one to say goofy things (and think they are funny, but your 'date' may not)! ha
    When people ask me 'why I'm still single', they usually follow it up with, 'you're too picky." To which I respond, "I'm not picky, I'm just not settling for just anybody. I'm not going to be in a relationship just to be in a relationship." To which they reply with a blank look. ??
    A recently asked a new friend of mine why he was single. He's good looking, funny, smart, has a good job, etc. He replied with this, "I'm single because I refuse to settle. Because I'm waiting to be wowed. And because I only need one heart to live the life I want. The one beating in my chest." I think his comment holds true for myself too, and probably you too Manda?

  2. OH! I should probably mention that I am in a relationship right I should rephrase.

    The comment HELD true for me for so long.... =)

  3. Hey Hey, yeah I definitely agree on not settling. My Godmother asked me the same question this summer, and I did not give her a smart ass comment, but that I have not met anyone that I can not imagine the rest of my life without.

    Super fun that things are working out for you and your fella : )
