Sunday, January 16, 2011

At 30, I stood firm.

I couldn't have written a better introduction.  The first time I met Manda, I sat next to her at the movies and learned immediately that she LOVED to laugh!  What better friend to have than one who loves to laugh?  After all, laughter is the best medicine.  Mandas laugh is contagious, her mind is open, and her heart is warm.  For me, Mandas life experiences are inspiring and exciting!  I cannot imagine doing Project 30 with anyone else.

Thank you Manda, for pointing out that I am indeed already 30.  ;)  I think just now is actually the first time I wrote it out or even said it in my head.  I'm 30.  I'm 30.  (By the way, I said it twice in my head with a long thoughtful pause.)  And it's really not that bad, it's just a number in a new era.  My attitude at the beginning of 29 about turning 30 was super negative.  I was consumed with thoughts like, "I'm almost 30 and I haven't done...", "I'm almost 30 and I can't...", and "I'm almost 30 and I'm still...!"  However, now that I am now older and much wiser, I would have to agree with my friends who have already joined the 30 Club that 30 "is going to be the best year yet', and "is the new 20", and my absolute favorite, "You've been making the world a better place for 30 years now.  And just think-you're only getting started."

Manda and I have done some pretty amazing things in our 20s.  I trust that Project 30 is going to be awesome is so many ways, will help us to learn to stand firm in everything we do, and bring even more amazing things into the first year of our 30s.  

So, Cheers Manda, to our very first posts on Project 30.


  1. I can't wait to read this blog! What a great idea for you two!! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks Jenn! We are excited too! Thanks for reading! =)
