Thursday, January 20, 2011

Number 9

In February I fractured my right foot for the first time in 2010 on the first day of vacation in Vietnam, (I fractured my left ankle in 2009). In September I fractured my right ankle AGAIN!  After the second fracture (playing touch rugby) on my right ankle I got to see Yao Ming’s doctor, who told me why this was happening. I have hyper mobility in my ligaments. Good to know that I do not have bone issues and now a goal is just to strengthen my legs and joints and hopefully it will never happen again!


  1. Who helped you shave your armpits this time? was your foot. =)

    More importantly, I like how you turned a negative into a positive!

  2. to reply to Mandy's comment...
    I did not need help shaving my arm pit this time. To explain, when Mandy came to visit me in Germany I just had hand surgery after being hit by a car on my bike... long story, but I hyper extended my thumb and tore those ligaments... So Mandy visited... I had a date while she was in town so she needed to help me out. She was great also to wrap my arm in plastic so I could shower and she did all the dishes. Seriously I have the best friends!
